Toddington Baptist Church is committed to protecting all the information that we handle about people we support and work with, and to respecting people’s rights around how their information is handled. To guide us in living up to those commitments, we have the following policies.
Data Protection Policy which takes account of the General Data Protection Regulations (which came into effect on 25 May 2018).
Our Privacy Notices tell you what to expect when you entrust us with your personal data. Because we interact with people in different ways, we have more than one Privacy Notice as follows:
Privacy Notice for Individuals – for our Members, regular attenders, and anyone visiting the Church or our website.
Privacy Notice for Employees
Privacy Notice for Hirers – for those hiring and/or using rooms on our Church premises whether on behalf of an organisation or on their own behalf.
We have updated our Privacy Notices to reflect the possibility that personal information may be released to NHS Test and Trace.